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Flickr Collection Viewer



The Flickr Collection Viewer is an intuitive interface that allows users to dynamically search Flickr collections and browse through digital result sets. Retractable control stations, referred to as docks, guide users through query construction by vertically spinning a set of dials populated with predefined search terms. Each dial change submits a new query, as a combination of aligned dial terms, and generates a visual result set representation in the dock. Result sets can be horizontally scrolled and images can be loaded to stage by either tapping a result or dragging a result to one of the graphical placeholders. Once on stage, users can transform images with basic manipulation gestures, close images, and flip to info panels to view descriptions.

The exhibit is fully configured in CML to support easy customization of features like search term assignment, placeholder layout, number of query dials, text field attributes, and so on.

This exhibit, by default, uses the Women in Science Flickr set from the Smithsonian Institute.




Posted on Thursday, March 21st, 2013