Open Exhibits - Research - Papers



Human Computer Interaction in Informal Science Education Conference


The goals of the HCI+ISE conference were to advance the current state of knowledge about the complex challenges and opportunities that exhibit designers and developers encounter in technology-based exhibitions and suggest strategies for enabling them to share theoretical and implementation approaches and methods.

Conference attendees represented a diverse segment of professionals. We had art museum people as well as science museum people. We had people who create exhibits but have never really been involved in the digital world. The idea was to promote cross-disciplinary cross-talk essential for growth and exploration. Conference provocations, activities, and discussions were captured in this comprehensive document for attendees and for members of the informal science education and exhibit development field at large.

The goals of the HCI+ISE conference were to:

1. Examine existing exhibits that use HCI technology;

2. Bring people together with diverse expertise to explore issues in common, and engage in design activities to better identify effective practices for designing HCI science exhibits;

3. Identify conditions under which HCI can be effective for enhancing museum visitor access, participation, and learning;

4. Identify strategies and mechanisms for expanding the application of HCI to exhibit practice, thereby maintaining freshness and nimbleness in exhibition development;

5. Connect to NSF research priorities, and to initiatives and strategic areas, in order to advance and strengthen the interchanges between museum practice, the learning sciences, and public understanding of science; and

6. Create a network of HCI+ISE users, and take steps to improve communication, knowledge access and leadership within and across ISE communities.