“Sensus” – Making Exhibits Social and Sharable

Ralph Das is the Chief Technical Officer of Amsterdam-based Sensus, an innovative company focused on the development and application of multi-touch technologies. He spoke at the 2011 Open Exhibits Summit about the limitations of local networks and Sensus’ plan to … Continue reading

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An introduction to the Open Exhibits Design Summit

Jim Spadaccini introducing the Open Exhibits Design Summit in Corrales, NM, March 2011. The Open Exhibits Design Summit has attracted over 30 experts from art museums, zoos, planetariums, ISE, aquariums, research, and technology development. The project partners, advisors, and invited … Continue reading

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Easy Authoring for the Microsoft Kinect with Open Exhibits

Our module for Kinect provides a simple solution for authoring gesture-based applications in Flash. Lately, we’ve been using it in conjunction with our other free Open Exhibits software modules. While the Kinect device itself doesn’t have the necessary precision for use … Continue reading

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Controlling a Gigapixel Image With Kinect

We’ve recently released two new modules on Open Exhibits. The gigapixel viewer module allows Open Exhibits and GestureWorks users to plug any gigapixel image into our Flash application and drag and zoom it using multitouch inputs. We recently demo’d this app for … Continue reading

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CES 2011: Futuristic Gadgets for Museums & Educators

We were just at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. CES is where practically every electronics hardware manufacturer shows off their latest and greatest, and we saw a plethora of insane gadgets, from the cutting-edge to the solidly practical. Most … Continue reading

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Gesture-Based Computing: Four to Five Years Out?

(Cross-posted from Ideum blog) The New Media Consortium has published the 2010 Horizon Report: Museum Edition which “identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact over the coming five years on a variety of sectors around the … Continue reading

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Participation in Open Exhibits – The First Thirty Days

We recently exported the information from our member database to get a better idea of who’s using Open Exhibits, thirty days in. (Click on the graphs to see them full size.) So far, we’ve discovered that: 51% of our users … Continue reading

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What Exhibits Do Museums Want? Our Partners Weigh In.

We recently had our first meetings with the Open Exhibits partner museums, with whom we will be building six exhibits over the next 3 years.  The exhibits will be available as downloads on the Open Exhibits site. Both the source code … Continue reading

Posted in Accessibility

Simple Mobile: Incorporating QR Codes Into a Museum Exhibit

>Reposted from Ideum This week, we put together a quick test using QR Codes to extend a multitouch exhibit that we developed last year. QR Codes are an easy way to incorporate a mobile exhibit component that allows visitors to … Continue reading

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Open Exhibits – Free Release and New Website, November 15

Last month, we announced that we received funding from the National Science Foundation for Open Exhibits. Today we’re happy to announce that, on November 15th and just 60 days after being funded, Open Exhibits 1.0 will be available free to … Continue reading

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